Parent Handbook:
A short booklet to help you understand routines and procedures across the school.
Handbook for Parents
PE on Monday and Thursday (You may wear PE kit to school)
Reading: 5x week (minimum) - reading records are checked on a Monday
Times Tables: Goes home every Friday and is due back the following Friday
Other ways to help at home:
- Year 4 have their multiplication check this summer and will use their times tables in their Maths lessons in upper school. The following websites will help your children feel confident with their recall of times tables: - all children have their TTRockstars log in. - a free website
Chant them, sing them, rap them.
- Spelling frame is update regularly with the new spelling patterns that we are focusing on in school. All children have a log in for this. It's full of fun, engaging games to practise these spellings.
Year 4 Curriculum Overview can be found here
Start and end of the day on Playground or via office email