Curriculum Overview

We aim to provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum which:

  • promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental & physical development of all pupils

  • prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life

We must legally follow the statutory national curriculum which sets out programmes of study based on Key Stage, year group and subject.

 As a Junior school (Age 7 – 11), we cover Key Stage Two. We teach the Core subjects of English, Mathematics & Science. We teach the Foundation subjects of History, Geography, Art & Design, Computing, Design & Technology, Languages (French), Music and Physical Education.

We also make provision for a daily act of collective worship and teach Religious Education (RE). We teach Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) which incorporates the new requirements for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). British Values are also embedded within this teaching.

However, the national curriculum is just one element in the education of every child and we are free to add those elements that are important to us at South Petherton Junior School. We therefore focus on nurture and wellbeing; we want each child to be resilient, healthy and confident individuals.  We use outdoor learning to supplement our provision. We also offer enrichment:

  • Class and whole school visits – we link to curriculum topics and ensure pupils develop understanding of key places of interest within our locality and further afield.

  • Visitors to school – we use specialists to further extend our pupils’ understanding

  • Performances – we believe that all children gain from working together to sing, act and dance. We celebrate within the Church calendar (Harvest, Christmas & Easter) and present lower and upper school performances to our parents and carers.

  • Extra-curricular provision – we offer a wide-range of clubs that are both physical and creative

Our intent

We are clear on the knowledge and skills that pupils gain within the Key Stage; each subject is carefully planned and sequenced so new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before. As a Junior school, we need to be particularly clear on prior knowledge gained at Key Stage One; we build on this through careful transition into Year 3 and ensure our Year 3 staff understand the Year 2 curriculum.

We have to also be aware of clearly defined and agreed end points as we have the responsibility of ending a Key Stage and preparing our Year 6 pupils for transition to secondary school.

We are also clear on how we must address gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills to ensure that we address potential social disadvantage.

Our implementation

We are clear on how the curriculum is taught and assessed. We ensure that staff have good subject knowledge to ensure effective teaching and then ensure that staff check pupil’s understanding, identifying and correcting any misunderstanding that occurs.

Our aim is to help pupils transfer key knowledge to long-term memory. We use assessment to inform our teaching and to aid next steps; this may be through observation, discussion or marking of outcomes. Progress and attainment is measured at three key points within the year; this ensures that we analyse and interpret results and then act on the findings.

Our impact

We know that a well-constructed and well-taught curriculum will lead to good results. Disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND will, if required, have received personalised provision to ensure high ambition; the school will not offer a reduced curriculum. We will see children with good mental health and resilience as a result of our focus on wellbeing.

Nb: Important reflection

Like many schools, we are aware that it will take time to develop and embed an effective curriculum. We are on a continuous journey where we will continue to evaluate and refine our provision. However, if you require further information, please contact the school and we will be happy to discuss this with you.