Carroll Class 2024 - 2025

Miss Dunn

Miss Dunn - Year 5 Teacher

Welcome to Carroll Class

We share information to aid life in Year 5 – our monthly snapshots aim to give you a ‘glimpse’ within our learning.

Parent Handbook: 
A short booklet to help you understand routines and procedures across the school.
Handbook for Parents

PE on Tuesday and Wednesday (You may wear PE kit to school)

- TimesTable Rockstars: Please encourage your child to spend 10-15 minutes daily practising their times tables. This will help strengthen their multiplication skills and improve their speed and accuracy.
- Spelling Frame: The weekly spelling list is available on Spelling Frame. Students should practise their words, focusing on correct spelling and understanding their meanings. Aim for at least 15 minutes of practise each day. 
- Rollama: Your child can use Rollama to engage with fun learning activities. We suggest they spend around 10 minutes a few times a week on this, focusing on any areas they feel need improvement. 
- Reading: Please ensure your child reads for at least 20 minutes every day. They can read their class book, a library book, or anything they enjoy at home. This helps build strong reading habits and improves comprehension skills. 
- Projects: Each term, a creative homework project will be set linked to the topic we are learning about. 

Yr 5 curriculum overview for year - coming soon

Start of the day via Mrs Walker
End of the day on Playground or via office email

Carroll Class: News items

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Carroll Class: Gallery items

Carroll Classroom, by Mrs Hingley

Carroll Class: Calendar items

Tempest Photography, by Mrs Hingley