
Our School Offer for Maths

Within the Purpose of Study for Maths (National Curriculum 2014), we know that Maths is ‘a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life…’

What do we mean by Maths?

In Key Stage 2, we focus on the three key aims of the National curriculum – mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving. The mathematics curriculum is split into distinct domains eg. Number, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics and these are revisited and developed within each year group. Pupils are encouraged to make rich connections across the domains and also apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.


Through varied and frequent practice, we aim for all pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. We want all pupils to recall and apply knowledge with increasing accuracy and pace.

Mathematical reasoning:

We believe that to be a good Mathematician, pupils must be taught to develop a justification or proof for their answer using mathematical language and visual representation. We know that maths is not simply completing pages of formal arithmetic sums.

Problem Solving:

Pupils are given the opportunity to apply their mathematics to a variety of problems, developing a systematic approach to break down the problem into a series of simpler steps. We aim to encourage perseverance in seeking solutions.

How do we teach Maths?

  • Each child participates within daily Mathematics lessons planned by the class teacher using the White Rose Scheme of work as a basis for planning and resourcing. This enables knowledge and skills to be broken down into smaller steps

  • Each new Maths unit is started by the completion of a White Rose assessment for the corresponding unit from the previous academic year eg. In Year 4, children briefly recap Year 3 objectives for Length before they begin Year 4 objectives. This allows teachers to understand strengths and weaknesses and adapt planning to meet the exact needs of the class.

  • Arithmetic skills are assessed regularly through timed assessments; this informs future planning and intervention.

  • Each child takes part in daily fluency activities; these are separate to or within the Maths lesson which enables children to revisit, embed and fluently apply key skills and concepts.

  • Each child will be involved in answering reasoning and problem-solving questions, either as part of their lessons or as a separate session within the day.

  • Times tables up and including 12 x 12 are taught discretely in Year 3 and 4, with a focus on the statutory times table assessment in Year 4 in the Summer term (Multiplication Tables Check or MTC). In Year 5 & 6 specific interventions are targeted at identified children who still need to improve their fluency & accuracy. The school uses ‘Hit The Button’ and ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (online subscription)

  • Teachers make cross-curricular links to consolidate skills and understanding eg. draw line graphs in Science to show results of an investigation

How do we inspire a love of Maths?

We believe that the specific nature of the subject creates an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity. Challenges and investigations allow children to grapple with the ability to reason mathematically.

How do we help children who find maths difficult?

Class teachers ensure that planning, resourcing and delivery of teaching caters for all abilities within the class, deploying any adult support effectively if available. Gaps in children’s learning are identified through pre-assessment (based on the previous year groups) and through difficulties in the lesson. These are addressed through adult support, additional scaffolding or resources during the lesson and prior to the next lesson as required. Results of end of block assessments are used to inform future planning and small group/individual support as necessary.

Specific Maths interventions are monitored by class teachers using the school’s intervention monitoring pro-forma.  Class teachers use pre and post intervention assessment to set targets around specific areas of Maths as needed.  These interventions are evaluated for their impact in consultation with the school’s SENDCO.

How do we assess Maths?


The children self-mark the majority of their Maths work towards the end of their daily session, which allows them to assess their own attainment in a meaningful and immediate way. A traffic light system is also used to revel how each chid found the task.

Formative Assessment

Class teachers pick up on misconceptions during the lesson for rapid intervention and use the children’s books to plan relevant next steps; this ensures children are able to move through the Maths curriculum under the Mastery model.

Summative Assessment

At the end of each unit of work, children complete a short ‘end of block assessment’ to show what they have retained. In February and late June, children complete a longer assessment, which again is used to inform planning and next steps through detailed question analysis. In Year 4, all children complete a statutory multiplication times tables check (MTC) in June. In Year 6, all children complete the Key Stage 2 Maths SAT (1 x Arithmetic paper and 2 x Reasoning papers) in May.

How can Parents/Carers help?

Parents/Carers can help by supporting their child with instant recall of times tables and number facts; the school has funded the use of Times Tables Rock Stars for home use. Rapid recall of these facts is fundamental to make good progress in Maths.