
Inspection dates 9–10 October 2014​

Overall Effectiveness: ​Outstanding​​

Achievement of pupils: Good

Quality of teaching: Good

Behaviour and safety of pupils: Outstanding

Leadership and management: Outstanding​


Summary of findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school

  • Pupils’ attainment is above average in all subjects by the end of Year 6. They make rapid progress in all year groups in reading, writing and mathematics.

  • Outstanding teaching helps pupils to learn rapidly. Teachers inspire their pupils to do well. They ensure that they achieve their potential and develop a desire to learn.

  • Pupils who receive extra support through additional government funding make rapid progress and achieve as well as their peers.

  • The curriculum is a significant strength in bringing about successful learning in a wide range of subjects, promoting positive attitudes to learning.

  • The outstanding provision for pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is a key factor in school life.

  • Pupils thoroughly enjoy South Petherton Junior because learning is extended by many memorable activities, both inside and outside of the classroom. These contribute to the pupils’ excellent personal development.

  • The older pupils leave school as happy and confident individuals, who value themselves and others.

  • Extremely strong leadership from the inspirational headteacher is fundamental to the school’s success. Her determination has secured ongoing improvement in the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievement in recent years.

  • The governing body is very committed and knowledgeable. The governors are focused on helping the school to improve even further and ensure there is no complacency.

  • There is a welcoming and friendly atmosphere throughout the school. This reflects the way that all members of the school’s community value and respect each other. Everyone is committed to making South Petherton Junior the best school it can be.

  • Pupils’ behaviour is outstanding. They show genuine care and respect for one another and their teachers. They demonstrate mature and responsible attitudes in all year groups. All pupils feel safe.

  • The headteacher and staff make excellent use of information on pupils’ progress to ensure that all individuals are doing well. Any underperformance is identified and tackled to good effect.

  • Parents are very pleased with all aspects of the school’s provision, especially the way that the staff care for their children.
