Morpurgo Monthly Snapshot - October 2024
Class: Morpurgo Class Year: 2024 - 2025
Two groups of children from Year 5 and 6 have completed a 2-day Bikeability course. They impressed the instructors with the growth in their confidence and understanding of how to be safe on the road. They enjoyed travelling around the village and trying our different junctions and how to deal with many situations you might encounter out on the road. Excellent work!
Year 6 took part in a National Code Week live lesson. We used the microbits and programmed them to emit radio signals so that we could record the different types of birds we ‘spotted’ in the cloakroom. One child spotted the bird and sent the signal for the bird type to their partner’s microbit in the classroom. The children in the classroom then completed the bird counting tally chart. Beth said ‘Can we used the microbits again tomorrow!’. I’m so pleased the children enjoyed the workshop so much!